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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Round 3

We got great news this week when we went to Children's... Bettie is shrinking. The official measurement was 1cm. Yippee, we've gone from 64 sq cm to 49. The Dr.'s both asked if we could see the improvement. We thought we could but then again we didn't know if it was just wishful thinking. Our dermatologist said she knew it had decreased just by looking at her across the room. What a great day! This weeks progress pictures. There was a lot of drainage from her PICC insertion but the nurse confirmed what we had thought. It was probably from her moving her arm around so much. After all, this week she discovered her arms and that they are good at batting objects.


  1. Hate to tell you B, in these pictures she looks like an AGRE not a Worlton.

  2. I can totally tell it's gone down! Wow! She looks amazing. When will you know if her hearing has improved? She is so beautiful. Farewell Bettie!
